I knw I've been absent from the blogging world for such a long time now, and there's never a better time than today to blog again. I am still reading your blogs tho, those i usually read i mean.. so don't fret! i'm updated, n i'm updating.. =)This post is in response to Cely's blog about her IC pictures. we've previously talked about FUGLY ID pictures of ourselves and i've kinda dared her to put hers up. she did put hers up of course and here's me keepin my promise. >_<
here we go, let's start with my Lesen Memandu Malaysia (Driving License) :D
don't i jz look hideous? =P 2001 fat face picture.. i know it's invalid, i knw it has a hole punched on the side, but i hv my extension license, which will expire in 2 months.. so time for me to take new pictures!! happy happy.. =P
up next is my M'sian IC.. another T_T photo.. also taken in 2001..
no one told me i had to wear a coloured top, so i wore white, n was told to wear this super ugly black blazer that they had.. >_<>
this was taken in january 200....7.. yup, 2007.. if you can see clearly, i only hv half a side of both my eyebrows. half + half = 1 eyebrow.. =P
tot i was gonna stay in melb for longer, so paid for a 10 year license. =/ it was an early day for me, i woke up 8+am, then waited n waited for my test to be taken.. by the time i finished my test, it was abt 11am already, the sun was up n it was hot (summer at the southern hemisphere >_<) my face was sweating, i didn't hv any make up on (i tot i was taking my pic another day!) n of course didn't hv any with me as well.. =/ so u see?? at least i wore a green top (my lucky colour, i thk!), which went well with the license.. :D
of course i thk i look better now, even though i'm much older (n wiser!! =P). here's how i look now, a random pic taken moments after reading Cely's post.
*this is jz to make sure i don't look like a goon in front of u readers, altho it's not exactly a good expression to show you guys =P*
very candid ler wei.. i thk i look funny.. hahah i hope you guys enjoyed reading this post as much as i enjoyed writing it, even tho it's not much. fun fun.. =)
Cely, see? i got fugly pix too.. =P