Wednesday, February 15, 2006

rain, rain, go away~!!!

Rain, rain, go away..
Come again another day.. or not..

i'm bloody wearin my new satin shoes n it's bloody rainin outside! it's POURING!! i was havin the same worries as yesterday but good gracious it stoped raining a while before i left work.. yet i still stained the right heel slightly.. oh god, please let it stop raining.. i promise i won't wear my satin shoes during the raining season.. i looked out the window n the day was sunny n cloudless! well, almost.. yesterday i contemplated on taking off my shoes n walk to the car as the road was still wet, good thing i didn't park far n it was tar road n not the sandy rocky carpark. oh, no, i didn't take off my shoes, my mum would say and think i'm crazy..

please, let it stop raining.. i love my satin shoes, i got them from singapore n i'm not goin back there anytime soon.. plz~~~


Bubbles said...

wat does ur satin shoes look like?

Mz said...

hehe, i'll show u in my blog..