Friday, November 07, 2008

What Imma gonna do this month

i've been a procrastinator all my life. it's hard to change when i'm already so comfortable being a procrastinator. even harder to change when i don't feel much from the consequences of my procrastination.

i came across Phillip Humbert from one of my junk mails, and he suggests that people have lists of what they would like to achieve. He drafted out this template called "My Weekly Productivity Planner" which i think is a bit hectic (i.e too much to fill in! altho it's only one page). i'll start small though, i've always believed in realistic goals, so i wanna write things down as i go, and make sure i achieve them, otherwise i won't be able to do more.

side note: i entered an online competition yesterday, which asked me a superpower i would like to have if i could. i chose speed, as i could complete all my tasks quickly and be able to do more. if you're a procrastinator, maybe you'll understand what i mean. =)

so what i'm gonna do this month includes:
  1. send out my resume (at least 5? i'm being realistic here, n yes i'm looking for a job)
  2. go on the threadmill at least once (yeah, just once, laugh all you want =P)
  3. clean up my room - study materials and clothes especially
  4. apply for home internet connection, my 3G modem is so unreliable
  5. register myself with one of the blood banks in KL *gulp* (otherwise my doc will nag me non-stop, n he does nag a lot)

okay lar, 5 is a good number, don't you think? i'm just being realistic, don't wanna be setting goals i can't achieve, so i've had goals set, timelines set (til 30th nov of course) and am specific with them goals. 5 resumes, 1 run, 1 blood bank. check, check, check.

very achievable goals, think some of you may even be able to do all those in 1 day. uhm, perhaps i'll try and finish them as soon as possible. will update as i go. =)

am in a good mood, *muakz* u guys.. have a great day ahead!

and it's Friday! :D have a good weekend.

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