Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sugar High

i know i haven't been blogging, but u know.. procrastinating to blog has left me with tonnes of pictures at frenz gatherings n events n i dunno where to start. okay, lame excuse.. i've just been lazy.. :(

thx to bf jacke, i'm on sugar high now... again.. for those of u who know, i'm a sweet addict. i eat sweets all the time if they're available, n when i buy any, i buy them in bulk. currently i'm being fed the Mentos Plus, blackcurrent flavored. it's the box packaging dat makes it so much neater (not needing to tear away paper for the tube ones) n so accessible.. for the past 5 minutes or so, i've chewed about 10 of them mentos.. yeah, i chew them, i don't leave them in my mouth to melt, they're chewies! not the normal chewies, chewies are like chewing gum, but since i've kinda stopped chewing gum, chewy sweets are my fave. jacke gave me this packet about 4 hours ago before dinner, n after givin away about 5 of them, i still have (SHIT!) 3 of them left now.. n i only started eating after dinner.. :( gosh, they're not even sugar free, n i'm told to cut down on sugar as i've got a family history of diabetes.

*lookin at my packet of mentos, sittin right in front of me now*

aww.. they're just sweets.. but finishin a packet today.. uhm.. 1 day only wor.. *struggling*

one more, just one more.. then i'll leave the remaining 2 in the box. hehe

hahaha, i've just popped one into my mouth then "WEi!" my bf shouted.. *stunned* he took the box from me n took a pill for himself. "i counted dat u ate more than 10 in the past hour, u just kept popping n popping n popping them into ur mouth eh.." ((don't tell jacke it wasn't 1 hr, it was.. a lot less.. hehe))

1 mentos left.. *sigh*

i'll keep it for tmr.. but then hor.. if i keep for tmr then i won't be able to get the satisfaction of eating jz 1 mentos, would i?? *remembering i still have passionfruit-flavoured tic-tacs in the pantry* UHM... okay lar, leave it for tmr.

Topic 2: my weird liking
i'm using the word "liking" here coz obsession is too strong of a word to use. some of u who are close enough to me knows i have this "thing" for guyz who have exceptionally high-pitched voices. not the speaking voice, it's the singing voice. this means i love listening to Michael Jackson, Jeff Chang, Terry Lin, just to name a few. yesterday while i was you-tubing Terry Lin, i stumbled upon the name Vitas. some of u may have already heard of his name, or his singing, which is absolutely mind-numbing. i watched a few of his vids on you-tube, n found dat i'm kinda addicted to listening to him. some of his songs are eerie, probably becoz he sings in russian or some other language dat i don't understand, but mostly becoz the tunes are.. eerie.

watch this, n then tell me wat u think.
Vitas - Opera No.2 (his 1st hit in Dec '02)
Now tell me eerie or not? even his MV also one kind one.. u saw the "things" on his neck in the MV? looked like gills, don't they?
YAY, bf asked if i finished the mentos, asked me to finish it n say he'll buy me more tmr. keke
*UMH* hehe
the other Vitas song dat i quite like.. soothing yet keeps u on ur nerves.. watch out for the part in the 2:54 minute.
i'm replayin this song over n over.. dunno the name of it tho..
Here's the Wiki version of Vitas' biodata. i'd say his official site doesn't cover too much, except for some pictures. wanna know more? google him instead. okay, my mentos are out, i'm feelin a bit down already.. withdrawal symptoms.. *crazy*


Boss Stewie said...

DAMMIT.. if only i had a high pitched voice....

no wait....

Mz said...

ew.. u've gotta know how to sing too, u know.. it's not just about havin a high-pitched voice.. :P